Monday, November 26, 2012

Super Animal Projects

Students have designed a "Super-Animal" that has special features or adaptations that allow it survive in its environment.  Students were challenged to write a descriptive story about their Super Animal so that the reader sees it vividly in their imagination.

 Students have been assigned to read a blog entry and try to draw the described Super Animal, they are encouraged to leave feedback to the writer.  You are welcome to join in the fun!  Please try to match up the pictures on this blog with the Super Animal writing on the individual blogs to the right.  Leave comments for each essay when you think you found the matching drawing. 

Super Animal #1
Good job!  You are right, this is Nick's "Thor" Super Animal
                                                   Here is Parry's interpretation of Thor
Notice the differences and similarities?  Check out Nick's Outdoor blog (link at top right) to read the essay and see the partner's comments on his story.  Grace also drew a great picture, but I couldn't post it because there were last names on it.
Can you match this illustration to its writing on the individual student blogs?  Comment here if you know this animal's name.


Who is this?
Super Animal #2


Super Animal #4

What is this Super Animal's Name?


  1. I think it's a monkey.

  2. I think the firstv one is Nicks and the second one is Bruna's

  3. Is Super Animal number 2 Allen

  4. I think the super animal #4 is Allen

  5. ethan

    wow this is great :)

  6. hi guys my name is chloe i love your blog i expetially love that world type of game that moves around and your class lookes realy smart:):):):

  7. Hello we're from Brookhill Leys Primary School. I love your work on here,I think it's brilliant!

  8. Hi im summer from England,nottinghamshire you have done great art work especially like the monkey klimbing up the tree.

  9. These are really good,I can not guess!

  10. Hi,Im from Nottinhamshire (England). I think that you have done brillant art work, I especially the butterfly I can tell you have used lots of brillant colours.


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