Local tourist sites

Gavin and Parry thought you would like the Great Wolf Lodge in the Poconos

This is the Great Wolf Lodge’s indoor water park! It is located in the Pocono mountains in northeastern Pennsylvania. Gavin and Parry really like to visit here. But the great wolf lodge has a lot more to do than just the water park.
Madeline and Jack thought you would like to see Hershey Park.
I'm sure you have eaten a Hershey bar, or Reese's Peanut Butter Cup or a Hershey kiss- well they are all made here in Hershey, PA. There is also a huge amusement park.
its hard not to sing the theme song "Hershey Park Happy..." when you are here! Harrisburg is the capital of Pennsylvania. We have a beautiful capitol building that we will visit on a field trip.
The capitol building is loaded with artwork. It was dubbed "The handsomest capitol building" by our former president, Theodore Roosevelt.

Sam and Allen thought you may have watched the Little League World Series on television, well... all the games are played right here in Williamsport, PA.
Japan won the Little League World Series this year.

We wonder what you learn about the American Revolution over in other countries?
Our teachers say that everyone has a different perspective on it depending on where they live. We are proud of our American heritage and we live really close to Valley Forge National Park where our 1st president, George Washington camped out for an entire winter. Look at the huts the soldiers slept in!
Valley Forge is also full of white-tailed deer, which is our state animal.


  1. Hi guys wow all of those sites look really cool! I think that the indoor water park looks the best. :)
    From Dean
    Room 12 vardon school
    New Zealand

  2. hi

    i lovethe places you have where you live close to where i live is old trafford where man united play my last game that i went to there was united vs real madrid it was a great game but bad score and bad ref what sports do you like? anyway i wish in england there was those types of places to go my favourite theme park is alton towers

    from oliver 6sb

    1. Hi Oliver, that does sound like it was a great game and bad refs really mess it up! Come visit anytime!

  3. Hi Mrs Dibattista,
    They look like really cool sites to vist. My favourite site would have to be the first one The Great Wolf Lodge because it looked like a lot of fun.


  4. WOW all those things look so cool. My faviorite one is the white tailed deer. What was your guys one

    sincerly nazaryth

  5. WOW those places are cool. My faviorite one is the white tailed deer


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