Language Arts

                                         ** UNDER CONSTRUCTION**

The 100 Word Challenge

finished up for the school year. It looks like an interesting way to get kids to think about and learn new words while improving their writing skills. I think the activity will appeal to many writers and I think its worth a shot, especially for those reluctant writers we all have.

The site posts a new list of 100 words each week with a topic to follow. Kids are supposed to write a creative story using all 100 words in a meaningful way. The stories get posted online where everyone can read the stories and comment on them. I think it sounds like a good idea. I remember enjoying activities like this back in the day and plan to give try it out with my class next year.
         check out some of the posts by kids, some are great... others not so much- sounds familiar :)

 cover art by the lovely and talented Marlena :)

Students did a marvelous job on their pop-up book of Trumpet of the Swan, we are working on creating a VoiceThread presentation of the book for your listening and viewing pleasure-


  1. We also did a VoiceThread presentation this year! Can you let me know and how you will be having your students share and comment on them. Thanks!

    1. Hi Amanda, I'm glad that you like it. The VoiceThread should be easy to upload to this blog as a video, so students can see and comment on their work. Kellie


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2. Choose your ID- if you have gmail- choose Google and type in your email address. If you have a blog on wordpress, or any of the other choices, choose that and type in your blog address. Or... choose Anonymous, but don't forget to sign your first name :)
4. click on Publish comment
5. Type in the word that appears in the box to prevent spam and you should see the word redirecting, that means that your comment is being sent to me so I can approve it.

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