Saturday, November 10, 2012

Quadblogging Animal Adaptations Writing Project

Students in Mrs. DiBattista's class are being faced with a challenge.  They need to design an original animal that could survive in a chosen environment.  The animal needs to have special features called adaptations that will help it hunt, protect itself and flourish in the environment. 

Once students have drawn a picture of their animal, they need to write a descriptive essay.  Here is where the fun begins.  Students exchange their essays by posting to their blogs (individual student blog link to the right of home page) the task then becomes for other students to draw the described animal to match the author's drawing.

 If the student is successful in completing a drawing, the writer gets points for their essay.  When a student is unable to draw the animal, they offer feedback to the writer about what needs to be improved in the essay and the author edits the essay and tries with a new partner.

If you are interested in participating in our project, check back later this week! Students are currently in the planning stages of the project. 


  1. Mrs. DiBatista, not many people have been writing on the original blog! mabey put some math games or activitys for people to see and do! I know that our quadblogging buddies are doing a mathathon. From,

  2. It sounds like lots of fun hope you enjoyed you project

  3. Hi my name is Arzoo
    I like your super anmily it is amazing & your droing is cool if you want to came and vest me you can came to my blog & you can comment on me


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4. click on Publish comment
5. Type in the word that appears in the box to prevent spam and you should see the word redirecting, that means that your comment is being sent to me so I can approve it.

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