Friday, October 5, 2012

Student Blogs have landed!

Mrs. DiBattista's class is happy to announce that we are ready to start up individual student blogs. Look for them on the side bar titled "Sassy Student Blogs". The blogs are a work in progress, so check back often. The students are just learning how to change their avatar, background theme and create their first post! They are very excited! Hope to see you blogging this weekend. Mrs. DiBattista

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2. Choose your ID- if you have gmail- choose Google and type in your email address. If you have a blog on wordpress, or any of the other choices, choose that and type in your blog address. Or... choose Anonymous, but don't forget to sign your first name :)
4. click on Publish comment
5. Type in the word that appears in the box to prevent spam and you should see the word redirecting, that means that your comment is being sent to me so I can approve it.

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