Monday, October 15, 2012

4th grade hits the Smoke House!

Today, the local firemen came to French Creek Elementary School to kick off the Fire Prevention activities for the week. Kids from Mrs. DiBattista's class got to learn how to escape from a burning house through the simulated "smoke house". Students tried on the firemen's outfits and received activity books to help practice in case of a real fire.


  1. I think it is really cool that you are learning about fire prevention.

    You look really good dressed up as firemen. You really look like you are having fun!

  2. Wow that looks fun I wish I could do that.

    From Melissa
    vardon room 12

  3. Wow, that must of been so amazing and special.
    How did you feel, I would of felt excited.

    From Emily

  4. To Mrs Dibattista

    I think it is awesome that your class is aware of the dangers fires can do. Were any children in your class nervous?

    From Brooke (room12 Vardon)

  5. That must of been so awesome I wish that the some firemen came to our school and we got to wear the clothes and helmets that the firemen wear

    From Nazaryth

    Room 12

  6. Hello guys that looks very cool how you all are dressed up into
    firemen outfits. I wish i could do that to

    from zaeleh
    vardon room12


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