Saturday, September 8, 2012

Question for QuadBlogging buddies...

Do you have a favorite quote? If so, what is it and why do you like it?


  1. My favourite quote is Bigger, Faster, Stronger. I love all kind of sport and how it can motivate. My son is a good athlete and this quote is on a wall in his training rom. It basically means to push yourself to the limit.

    1. Hi Mr. Mitchell, my favourite sport is gymnastics. You get very flexible when you do tricks. It is so much fun when you learn it. Does anyone in your class like gymnastics? Keira

    2. Mr.Mitchell,My favorite sport is baseball.I am a very fast runner!


    3. Hi Mr.Mitchell, I love to watch football with my brother. My favorite team is the Michigan team because my dad grew up there. Analisa :)

  2. I am a good athlete to and my favorite sport is baseball thanks for comenting, Mario


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