Tuesday, September 4, 2012

1st Day of School

I loved meeting each and every one of you today! I know you were tired and it was hot, but I think we had a great day :) Please leave a comment here- what was your favorite part of the day? Carver and Bruna already beat me to it and left their's, good job! See you in the morning! Mrs. DiBattista


  1. I liked learning about everyone and knowing what thay like to do. I also liked meeting you that was the best part.

  2. My favorite part of the day was making new friends, and learning more about Mrs. DiBattista as the day progressed. I can't wait for another great day tomorrow.


  3. My favorite part of the day was meeting new friends. I also liked learning more about Mrs. DiBattista as the day progressed. I can't wait for another fun day tomorrow.


  4. My favorite part of the day was the getting-to-know-you ball!
    I think it is going to be a great year!

  5. My favorite thing was getting to know about all my friends with the all about me bags and meeting you! Paytan

  6. Thanks so much for the great comments. Good job on your first homework assignment! Most of you were able to leave a comment- way to go! Mrs. D

  7. Chayse Year 5 (9 years old)
    Hi everyone! My name is Chayse. I am from room12 and I am looking forward to blogging with you this week.

    1. Hi Chayse, very nice to meet you! Thanks for checking out the blog- we made 3 pages for you so you can learn about our home state of Pennsylvania. Check out the pages titled "Let the Quadblogging Begin", "tourist attractions" and "interesting stuff" talk to you soon, Mrs. DiBattista and class

    2. Hi Chayse!My name is Lucas. I am looking foward to blogging with you to!What is your favorite subject in school?


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2. Choose your ID- if you have gmail- choose Google and type in your email address. If you have a blog on wordpress, or any of the other choices, choose that and type in your blog address. Or... choose Anonymous, but don't forget to sign your first name :)
4. click on Publish comment
5. Type in the word that appears in the box to prevent spam and you should see the word redirecting, that means that your comment is being sent to me so I can approve it.

Thank you for commenting, your comment will post soon after approval- check back soon!