Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Eggs are Coming.. the eggs are coming!!

May 26, 2015 is the day 4th grade classes at French Creek get their chicken eggs.  The incubators are set up and ready to go.  Post any comments or questions here!


  1. ya!!!!!!! The eggs are coming!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I can't wait till the eggs come. I think it will be cool to watch them hatch. When they are a baby does thier feathres fall of and then do they get big ones

  3. I can't wait until the eggs get here,but I have one question, are these chickens Rhode Island Reds or a different breed? -Carrington

  4. cant wait till those eggs hatch!:) from #Nathaniel'sCatBlog !)

  5. yay ,can't wait I never saw a egg hatch before!

  6. Ican't wait for them!

  7. Hello its Carson just found this blog on my screen and thought I would say hi because I missed you when I went with Varsity, hope the kids are nice and have a wonderful year.
    -Carson Dixon

    1. Carson! I am SO happy to hear from you! Your sister keeps me updated on you and I'm thrilled you miss me :) You will always be one of my all-time favorites, keep in touch!
      Mrs. D


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