Monday, August 20, 2012

Back to School Soon...

Hey there! If you found this blog, chances are... you are in my class this year! Yippee! Please write me a note about your summer and what you are looking forward to about school, I love to chat on the blog. (look where it says "comments" click on it and you can leave your comments there, they will post as soon as they've been approved) Don't forget to sign your name or I won't know who it is from! See you soon, Mrs. DiBattista

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mrs Dibttista. My name is Arzoo I am from New Zealand I like your blog because you have lots of pictures in it but I didn't see you in any of the pictures.


1. Write your comment in the comment box.
2. Choose your ID- if you have gmail- choose Google and type in your email address. If you have a blog on wordpress, or any of the other choices, choose that and type in your blog address. Or... choose Anonymous, but don't forget to sign your first name :)
4. click on Publish comment
5. Type in the word that appears in the box to prevent spam and you should see the word redirecting, that means that your comment is being sent to me so I can approve it.

Thank you for commenting, your comment will post soon after approval- check back soon!