Saturday, September 1, 2012

Find the new student and who is missing...

Wordle: Can you find the new student? and who is missing?


  1. luv the blog. It will be a great year.

  2. Awesome! I am sure that the blog will like you, too!

  3. Bruna is the new girl from Brazil. WELCOME TO FRENCH CREEK!!!

  4. Mrs.dibattista you are very funny,also very nice

    1. thank you Bruna, you are very nice, very pretty and very smart! We are so happy to have you. Mrs. DiBattista

  5. Mrs Dibattista,
    I like the way you make a quiz out of the kids in your class. What quiz are you going to put on your blog next?

    From Ariana

    1. Hi Ariana, we are very happy that you like our blog. Using "Wordle" was fun to make the class quiz. No one knew who was in the class, so I thought I'd make them hunt if they wanted to find out. For my next quiz, I might hide some math questions or something. Do you have any ideas? Mrs D and class


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