here is our home page

Best Practices 4 Teaching
This blog is a window into the world of French Creek Room 126 for parents and friends. We want to share what is happening in our classroom! The blog will contain a mixture of children’s work, updates about what we are doing, and blog posts written by the children.

All the children will use first names only- for a full list of our blogging rules see our Blogging Rules page. All the children have agreed to these rules and the rules are designed to make blogging safe.
Children will be encouraged to comment on posts – again, they need to make sure they stick to our blogging rules.

Other schools and teachers from around the world may also view and comment on our blog – all the comments have to be approved by Mrs. DiBattista before they are published so this is very safe.

We’d also love for you to comment on our blog posts. See How to Comment page for information on how to do this - again please make sure you don’t use your surname when commenting. You can sign your comment as “Jack's Mom or Emma's Dad"

1 comment:

  1. i love your sixth grade pictuers!!!!!


1. Write your comment in the comment box.
2. Choose your ID- if you have gmail- choose Google and type in your email address. If you have a blog on wordpress, or any of the other choices, choose that and type in your blog address. Or... choose Anonymous, but don't forget to sign your first name :)
4. click on Publish comment
5. Type in the word that appears in the box to prevent spam and you should see the word redirecting, that means that your comment is being sent to me so I can approve it.

Thank you for commenting, your comment will post soon after approval- check back soon!